
Why Howie Mandel Calls Attack on Dave Chapelle the “End of Comedy”

“I have not loved anything as much, if not more, than Deal or No Deal in my entire career until Bull came along,” he revealed. “On Deal or No Deal, I really couldn’t play along because I don’t know what’s going on. I just waited to see what was in the case. In this one, I get to sit back like the audience member and listen to this person pontificate on something, and just try to—‘How the heck does she know what she’s talking about?’ I get to play along.”

Calling the show “Deal or No Deal on steroids,” Mandel revealed Bullsh*t hit a milestone that took Deal or No Deal years to achieve.

“It took us four years to give away the million dollars [on Deal or No Deal],” he said. “Here’s a little spoiler, I give away the million dollars on the first season of Bull.”

And though Mandel won’t reveal the craziest fib he’s ever told, he shared that some little white lies helped him succeed.

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