
Someone Other Than Shayne Proposed to Natalie on Love Is Blind

Oh my pod: Natalie Lee‘s time on Love is BlindĀ could haveĀ gone a lot differently.

Season two of the Netflix hit was filled with love, heartbreak, a handful of drama and apparently, a proposal we knew nothing about. While we are all well aware that Shayne Jansen was flirting it up with other people in the pods (cough, Shaina Hurley), what we didn’t see was that Natalie had another man vying for her heart.

Yep, Love Is BlindĀ creator Chris Coelen revealed that another cast member proposed to the 29-year-old consulting supervisor “very, very early on.”

“It was very out of the blue, but he just felt like he knew, and she was like, ā€˜This is just weird,'” Coelen revealed to MetroUK. “She didn’t have any deep feelings for him, but he had developed very significant feelings for her. Anyway, she said ‘no’ and he left, and that was that.”

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