
Pat Sajak Defends Wheel of Fortune Contestants From “Ridicule”

On the March 1 episode of the ABC game show, contestant Laura Machado attempted to finish the puzzle, “Another feather _n yo_r _a_.” After her first guess, “Another feather in your hat” was wrong, she tried two other times swapping out the final word for “lap” and “map,” unsuccessfully. The two other contestants also struggled during the round. Christopher Coleman incorrectly guessed the letter “G,” landed on Bankrupt and also failed to solve the puzzle. During Thomas Lipscomb‘s turns, he landed on Bankrupt and Lose a Turn before eventually successfully guessing the letter “C” and solving the puzzle.

 Social media quickly blew up with many users making fun of the contestants and causing Wheel of Fortune to become a trending topic. One tweeted, “History was made on #WheelOfFortune tonight. Same person missed solving the puzzle 3 times! Anyone ever have a feather in their HAT, LAP or MAP? It’s CAP!” while another wrote, “For the love of God please tell me ‘another feather in your cap’ is not that uncommon an expression #WheelOfFortune.” 

Pat—who has steered the ship on Wheel Of Fortune for over 40 years—said in his Twitter message that he was praised online for “keeping it together” and not making fun of the players, but it’s something he said he would never even consider doing.

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