
Student founders can win big at TechCrunch Disrupt – TechCrunch

TechCrunch Disrupt is back, in person on October 18–20 in San Francisco, and it’s the perfect place for students to supercharge their startup dreams.

Here’s a look at just some of the opportunities waiting for student founders. They say opportunity knocks. So open the door, already.

Pitch your way to Disrupt — for free

TechCrunch Disrupt offers plenty of benefits for students, but wouldn’t it be even better to score those benefits for free? If you’re chosen to participate in the TechCrunch Student Pitch Competition (powered by Blackstone LaunchPad), you could win free tickets and a whole lot more.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • This is a video-only competition — no one will pitch at Disrupt.
  • Record a 60-second video of your pitch.
  • Fill out this application and answer a few quick questions about your startup.
  • Submit your application and video before the September 9 deadline.
  • TechCrunch will choose 20 finalists and notify them on September 18.
  • All finalists receive two free tickets to Disrupt 2022, two free tickets to any 2023 TechCrunch event, plus Blackstone LaunchPad swag.
  • The top six finalists will also receive a free, three-night stay in a San Francisco hotel during Disrupt 2022, will be featured in a TechCrunch article and will receive a mentor session with Blackstone LaunchPad and Techstars staff.

Not ready to pitch? Buy your student early bird pass now before prices go up on July 29.

Roundtables and Audience Choice 

Roundtables, some of the most popular sessions at Disrupt, are 30-minute expert-led discussions with up to 20 people. You’ll learn something new — and more — about a specific topic, and it’s a great way to meet and explore opportunities with other people who share your interests.

Right now, you can vote for the topics you most want to see at Disrupt. But only if you hurry. Audience Choice voting ends this Friday, July 15 at 11:59 p.m. PT.

Go to the voting site where you’ll find a sizable list of potential sessions. You can filter and search by more than 20 categories, like Financial Services/Blockchain, Founder Lessons, Gaming, Investor Insights, Operations/Strategy, SaaS/Enterprise and many more.

Vote for as many sessions as you like by clicking on the thumbs-up next to each one. Feel free to share your thoughts or offer feedback in the comment box.

World-class networking

Whether you’re looking to meet other ambitious students, to snag a killer internship or post-graduation employment or find the perfect co-founder, you won’t find better networking real estate than Disrupt.

Based on the info you input when you register, our event app will search the attendees list and recommend suitable connections. Then use the app to send invitations to schedule quick 1:1 meetings with people who align with your business goals. You’ll be able to access the list weeks before the show starts. Line up meetings and RSVPs in advance and get a jumpstart on expanding your network.

The Startup Battlefield 200

Make a beeline for the expo floor and explore this curated group of 200 outstanding early-stage startups — the only startups allowed to exhibit at Disrupt. What’s more, 20 of the Startup Battlefield 200 will be chosen to compete for $100,000 in the Startup Battlefield.

But hold up a sec — if your student-led startup meets the criteria, why not apply to be part of the SBF 200? To be eligible for consideration, your company should:

  • Be an early-stage startup
  • Have a minimally viable product
  • Represent any vertical
  • Represent any geography
  • Have step-function innovation in your vertical
  • Be bootstrapped or have pre-scale funding (variable by industry)

Apply to the Startup Battlefield 200 by July 31. It’s absolutely free, and it’s packed with perks and possibilities.

TechCrunch Disrupt 2022 takes place on October 18–20 in San Francisco with an online day on October 21. Don’t miss out on all these opportunities to level up your startup. Buy your student passes before the price goes up on July 29.

Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at TechCrunch Disrupt 2022? Contact our sponsorship sales team by filling out this form.

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