
Your First Look at Oxygen’s Serial Killer Capital: Baton Rouge

For some, Baton Rouge is just the capital city of Louisiana. But for others, it’s one of the darkest places in the country.

The city’s grim history is the subject of Oxygen’s terrifying two-part special Serial Killer Capital: Baton Rouge. Premiering Dec. 10, the series will dive into the murders of more than three dozen women from 1992 to 2004, as well as how the killers were caught.

“The beautiful city of Baton Rouge was paralyzed by fear for nearly a decade as 36 women were murdered in erratic and unpredictable ways throughout the city,” the series’ description states. “As serial killers walked free, the horrific murders created confusion and inconsistencies with no pattern or matching victimology.”

After hitting multiple dead ends, police make a breakthrough after a “terrifying interrogation with a serial killer,” according to Oxygen. Along with newfound evidence, the description states, “it was finally revealed that there was not only one serial killer, but multiple unrelated, overlapping murderers stalking the bayou throughout the same period.”

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