
Did You Spot This How the Grinch Stole Christmas Editing Error?

This editing from How the Grinch Stole Christmas is sure to steal your attention.

In the 2000 holiday film based on Dr. Seuss‘ book by the same name, there’s a scene where Jim Carrey‘s character the Grinch, who hates Christmas, returns home after nearly ruining a festive celebration put on by the nearby town of Whoville—only to be shocked to learn that he still hasn’t squashed their spirit. While the scene may not stand out at first, it caught the attention of one social media user for a particular reason. And it has to do with…the Grinch’s eyes?

Yes! TikTok user @redcobweb noticed the color of the Grinch’s eyes change from a yellowish green—the shade they are for the majority of the film—to Carrey’s actual eye color brown and then back again.

“So every time I watch the Grinch I notice this one little mistake they made where they forget either to put his contacts in or they forgot to edit them in afterwards,” the content creator noted in a recent post. “And so Jim Carrey’s brown eyes are just there.”

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