
The 5 best smart treadmills of 2023

Screen size: 22 inches | Speed: 0 – 12 mph | Incline: -5 – 20% | Connectivity: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth | Dimensions: 85 x 40 x 70 inches | Weight limit: 400 lbs

If you want to start training for races and marathons, the Bowflex T22 is a great option for a smart treadmill. It comes with a 1-year subscription to JRNY, Bowflex’s fitness app, giving you access to hundreds of workouts and training videos. It also lets you stream videos from apps like Netflix, HBOMax, and Hulu to make basic cardio workouts and warmups a bit more tolerable. 

And if you need something more challenging, you can explore one of 50 virtual global routes, which automatically adjust incline and speed, so you can take on everything from a simple hike in a national forest to running an international race at home. 

The touchscreen display measures 22 inches, giving you plenty of real estate to see timers, metrics to track, and videos for guided workouts. The T22 also has knobs for adjusting speed and incline close to the hand grips for changing up your workout on-the-fly. It comes with a Bluetooth-enabled armband that connects to the treadmill or your favorite fitness app to better track your heart rate and other metrics for more advanced training plans. The running deck is also designed with distance runners in mind, featuring cushioning technology to reduce shock and strain on your ankles, knees, and hips.

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