
Why Joanna Buchanan Home Decor Is Whimsical, Wonderful & Totally You

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Not familiar with the heirloom-worthy work of Joanna Buchanan? You’re about to be! Her signature pieces include jewel tones, actual gemstones, intricate beadwork, and luxe spins on practical items — topped off, of course, with dashes of the cosmos. 

And since it’s still Women’s History Month, we’re shining a spotlight on this unique artist. Whether you’re entertaining a group at the holidays or just making a place setting for yourself, you’ll find something from her collection to add elegance to the everyday.

For example: Still passing out paper napkins at cocktail hour? Allow me to introduce you to proper linen ones. Oh, and they have embroidered edges, and you can pick gemstone-topped napkin rings to display them in for added effect.

Whatever your reason for amping up your home decor — or even just your bar cart — Joanna Buchanan has your back! Also, is it just me, or does this all make excellent gifting, too? 

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